Since we decided to build a new friary (and refurbish the original 1820 house) rather than bring up the old building to modern standards the library has had to be stored and now moved to its new location in what was our refectory (dining room).
As librarian that job is mine. All 67 boxes of books plus a few others that now destined for the new library. There is a problem though. We do not have enough shelf space. Yes the builders put in book cases but not enough. So we have contracted a local guy to put them in where there used to be a store room off the 'ref'. While awaiting that the library sits in stasis. Over half of the books are on shelves but the reset remain in their boxes. Even what is on the shelves is only loosely sorted. All that awaits the completion of the shelves when I can decide what goes where. Of course then there is the problem of how to catalogue a friary library.
Below are the photos to illustrate my point:
The 'ref' in the old house |
The library undergoing a clean out. |
One library stored. |
The Library was stored in one of the rooms of the old, now demolished, wing.
The new library, in the old 'ref'', under reassembly. |
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