Sunday, November 21, 2010

Rebellion and Loss of Faith

While I don't always agree wholeheartedly with Mr. Voris' interpretation of events he makes many valid points and he certainly can speak. There is no doubting his committment to the Faith. If only there were more like him.

Not so Bishop Walsh. I've blogged on him before. No wonder Ireland is where it is today if this is what has been going among the hierarchy. If he has struggled with his belief even in the existence of God why didn't he resign and let someone else shepherd his diocese? It has become fashionable for clerics to confess struggles with their faith. We are human but after a while such confessions begint to sound trite. We need bishops with backbone who love the Lord and His Church and believe in Him and who are willing to be loyal to the Holy Father. If they don't then they should retire.


Anonymous said...

Hello, Br. Tom! I'm writing a story which involves someone leaving the world to become a Brother, but I've hit a wall. I've no conception of how this process actually works. Could you briefly explain that process of initiation into the Franciscans-- or could you direct me to an online resource?

Eternally grateful,

Tom said...

Jack - 1. Postulancy (living with but not a part of the Order, some classes, courses etc.)
2. Novitiate (one year living with the friars, in the habit, more intense courses on prayer, spirituality,etc.Ends with simple (temporary profession of vows)
3. 3+ years (can be renewed) in temporary vows while studying philosophy and/or theology. Some very limited ministry.
4. Solemn (final-for life) vows. For those who need to (e.g. for ordination) continued study etc. For others some post somewhere e.g. cooking, office work, chaplaincy, etc.

We don't use the term 'leaving the world' - as the eary Franciscans put the 'world is our cloister'. We are not monastic in that sense.

Also while most religious institutes (Orders) follow a similar route for their formation programs there can be significant differences.


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