The above icon is from St. Seraphim's Orthodox Cathedral, Dallas, Texas. In the Roman Catholic Church's Ordinary form the gospel of today's Mass is the Miracle at Cana. The same gospel reading is often chosen by couples for their wedding and I usually interpret it that Christ, through the Sacrament, wants to turn the water of our human love (which is His gift to us) into the wine of His Divine love (His infinitely greater gift to us), the Love which the Father has for the Son and the Son has for the Father. Yet it has, of course, a wider application. The Lord wants to turn everything, according to its capacity, into a vehicle for His presence. Whatever we do, say or are, providing it is as He gave it to us, can be sanctified by Him and changed, 'transubstantiated' so to speak, or divinzed so that it becomes a means of knowing Him. He comes to unite us with His Father through Himself but not just us, not just our 'souls', but even the very matter of the universe. It was this Divine humility, self-abasement, that the enemy could not fathom, could not accept.
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