Feast of Anysia of Thessalonika martyr and Melania of Rome wife, mother, nun and philanthropist. I suppose its easy to forget in the midst of our Christmas feast the sufferings of others. Remembering the martyrs reminds us of the price we may be called to pray for faith in Christ. Anysia (c.285-305) was caught trying to get to get to Mass and was martyred for her commitment. Melania (388-434?) was born to high privilege and wealth (her income at one time was equivalent to $20 million a year) but she chose an austere life and focused her energies on caring for others, especially the poor and in fostering the Church. Anysia showed her faith in laying down her life for Christ especially in his Eucharistic Presence. Melania did likewise but over a longer period and in a more gradual way. Both gave witness to Christ. Both invite us to consider how much we appreciate our Lord and our neighbour, how much do we love?
Troparion of the Feast Tone 4
Thy Nativity, O Christ our God,/ has shone to the world as the light of wisdom./ For by it those who worshipped the stars/ were taught by a star to adore Thee,/ the Sun of Righteousness,/ and to know Thee, the Orient from on high./ O Lord, glory to Thee.
Troparion of Ss Anysia and Melania Tone 4
Thou didst tread to the end the path of virtue and wast betrothed to God the Word,/ and didst rejoice in the contest, O Anysia./ Thou didst shine with the light of dispassion, Melania,/ and shed rays of virtue on the world./ And now we ask you both to beseech Christ the Lord that He will be gracious to us.
Kontakion of the Feast Tone 3
Today the Virgin gives birth to the Transcendent One,/ and the earth offers a cave to the Unapproachable One./ Angels with Shepherds glorify Him,/ the wise men journey with the star;/ since for our sake the eternal God was born as a little child.
Kontakion of Ss Anysia and Melania Tone 3
Like a lamp of two lights you illumine Christ's Church/ with a mystical radiance./ Thou didst bring forth fruit an hundredfold/ in thy martyr's contest, O Anysia;/ and thou didst shine in asceticism, O Melania./ You were found worthy of the incorruptible life of the Blessed. From menologion
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