I am reading this fine book by Tracey Rowland at the moment (I am a magpie when it comes to books - I jump from book to book following whatever catches my eye). There's a good review of it by Fr. Schall SJ here. It prompts me to comment that the Holy Father is so much more learned and insightful, nuanced and balanced than some of his followers (and I am one). It's a delight to encounter a thinker who so often elicits a 'yes' from one's soul (this goes for Ms. Rowland and the Holy Father). He reminds me at times of the Gregory of Nazianzen so beautifully described in Fr. McGuckin's Saint Gregory of Nazianzus an Intellectual Biography, a man of supreme intellect, a peacemaker but surrounded by those who did not always understand how deep his theology was. Thanks be to God we have such a Pope, a worthy successor to John Paul the Great.
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