This is Kayleigh Flynn. She was sixteen and would have been seventeen in August. She drowned yesterday while out having fun with her friends at the Strawberry Beds on the Liffey. As a student she was never going to light up the academic world she wouldn't want to. Instead her dream was to care for children particularly the disabled and she had the talent and the heart for it. As part of our school's Community Care group Kayleigh volunteered and showed up for everything. Once she was helping others she was in her element. Her loss reaches out far into the community of Blanchardstown and it is heaven's gain. Kayleigh will be greatly missed.
Prayers for her peace and the consolation of all who mourn such a terrible tragedy. May she rest in peace, in the light of God's healing peace.
Thank you bro., they are appreciated and much needed. We will miss her. She really was one of the good ones.
RIP Kayleigh - my thoughts are with all your family & friends xxxxxxxxx
R.i.p Keyleigh. Were gonna miss you. Schools nt going to be da same without you brightenin the corriors.
My thoughts go out to your family and friends. xxx
Kayleigh Flynn, How are ya? Jacko any craic? You were one in a million. She's wearing that santa hat that says santas little helper? Im sure if it was possible she would of been 1st in line! She bounced around Coolmine School not forgetting to say 'heya' to everyone who passed her. She was beautiful,outside and in. The funeral was perfect. You are not alone was a sang played at your funeral, I really understood the song then.. We are not alone and Kayleigh, were here to stay! So you better listen up to everyone's thoughts and prayers right? No slacking off k!You better put a good word in for me to the big man, and have them big white gates open cause you know i don't like waiting around!
Haya tom thank you soo much for all that you have done . you have been such a help and having you doing the service was soo special to us and i know that is wat kayleigh would have wanted .you tought her soo much tom and i think she did the same for you :).the funeral was beautiful and so was everything you said and i know she tought the world of you she would have been so happy wit it .Im going to make sure in school that even thought she is not there that her great spirit will always be and im going to try and make her proud this year I will talk to u in september tom thank you soo much your the best !!
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