Friday, July 29, 2016
Someone asked about my painting. I've been trying to get this san Damiano Crucifix finished. I started it ten years ago and finally I've gone as far as I intend to go short of some small bits of sgraffito and varnishing which I hope to do next Spring/Summer.
It's painted on MDF in egg tempera.
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Most of us have had guests over for a meal. If you’re the one who did the cooking
you will know how stressful that can be.
You want everything to go well and there are so many things that can go
wrong. All you need is someone who
doesn’t pull their weight or simply refuses to co-operate with you. That’s at the heart of this Gospel but
it is not Mary who is refusing to co-operate, not doing what she should, it is
Martha, Martha, her name has rolled down the centuries as the
hostess corrected by the Lord. All
she wanted to do was look after her guests, especially our Lord. In John’s Gospel she gives powerful
testimony to her faith by proclaiming that she believes that Jesus is the
Messiah; a proclamation on a par with that of Peter himself. Her efforts to please her guests are testimony to the goodness of her heart and her love for the
Her culture and her faith commands her to be hospitable. She wants to show her guests her family’s
best side, not let the family down.
She wants to play a motherly role and be a hostess and to feed and care
for them. But on this
important occasion her sister is sitting there on her big, fat backside doing
nothing! One can almost hear the
banging and the muttering as she goes about getting everything ready. There is our Lord sitting in
the midst of his disciples teaching, with Mary sitting near him listening
attentively, while Martha busies herself with her work.
Martha finally loses it.
She does not address her sister but the Lord. What is going on here?
Has there already been a row?
Are they on speaking terms?
Is she afraid of Mary? She
appeals to the Lord, trying to get Him onto her side but to no avail. She is corrected instead. ‘You worry and fret about so many
things’ could be said of many of us.
“There is one thing necessary.’ And Mary has chosen it. The Lord will not deny her. Why?
He will not deny Mary because the Lord is the One who is providing
the food. He is the true Host at
this meal. Here it is the food of
His Presence and His Teaching.
Soon He will give the food of His Body and Blood. It is not He who needs food from Martha
but Martha who needs food from the Lord.
Mary has realised where the true food is and the Lord is feeding her.
So often are we not just like Martha. We worry and fret about so many unimportant things and miss
the one thing necessary. The Lord
wishes to save us, take away our sins, feed us, and bring us into Eternal Life
and few there are who, like Mary, take the time to let Him.
How do we feed on the Lord?
First by listening to
Him in His Word the Bible, especially the Gospels, and in the Teaching of the
Church. We also feed when we give
time to prayer – that is spend time talking to God and giving space for Him to
speak to our deepest inner self.
We also feed when we listen to the events of our lives or the beauty of
this world He has given us. All
this requires the sacrifice of time – time given to the Lord, to sit and to
listen to Him. We feed on Him
especially when we celebrate the Sacraments, above all when we receive Holy Communion in a state of grace
i.e. free of mortal sin.
I will restrict myself though to just prayer and that is a huge
topic. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, you are always in His Presence
and under His care. Being
attentive to that Presence is the heart of prayer. The Church still defines prayer as ‘lifting our heart and
mind up to God’ and that is what being attentive to His Presence means. So here
is a simple, ancient way to pray. Pick
a short phrase such as ‘Jesus have mercy on me’ or ‘Sacred Heart of Jesus I
place all my trust in thee’ or any phrase that appeals to you. Say it slowly as you breath in and breathe
out while you sit quietly, paying attention to the Presence of God. You will get distracted. Getting distracted is normal. When you notice your distraction just
return to the Lord’s Presence. All
the saints had to do this.
Another way to pray is to read the Sunday or daily Gospel slowly and
with attention and care. One can
read and reread it aloud. One
listens to the words and pays attention to any word or phrase that strikes you. One talks to God about it and looks to
see how it applies to one’s life. Slowly we become more and more attentive to the
Lord and His Teaching.
When we pray daily the Lord comes to mean more and more to us and we
become more and more aware of His Presence in our lives and how He cares for us. We begin to want to love others more
because of the love He has for us.
A Catholic who does not pray, who does not give some time to God
each day is not a real Catholic.
Making space for God in our day, in our lives, taking the time to sit at
His feet and listen to Him with our mind and heart is how we begin to grow
spiritually. It is how we learn to
trust Him, to love Him and to want to follow Him wherever He leads, to not only
avoid doing wrong but to want to do more and more good for love of Him.
It is your choice. God
has provided the food of Eternal Life for you. You can choose to eat or you can choose to go hungry.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
I must begin with apologies to those who have
heard this story before but I find
I return again and again to my
Mother’s actions when one bitterly cold Christmas morning she found a young
traveller boy crying outside our front door. He had sprained his ankle and my mother took him in, checked
his ankle and would not let him go until she had fed him. She understood that everyone is our
neighbour and she therefore could never pass by someone in need.
That is the heart of this Gospel passage. We start with the Lawyer’s question of how we are to attain
Eternal life. Our Lord refers him
to the Law. The lawyer rightly
recites the Shema Israel – the Jewish
Creed still recited to this day.
This is the path to salvation; honour God and love your neighbour. But the Lawyer wants to cover himself,
to set limits and conditions. ‘Who
is my neighbour?’ the lawyer asks.
He is testing Christ, that is, God-made-man, the very author of all true
law and creator of everything.
Christ who stands before him is both his neighbour and his God. Our Lord’s response does not change the
Law but expands it. He tells the Lawyer and us the parable of the ‘Good
Samaritan’. In order to understand
how shocking this parable is we must replace the Samaritan with another
character. We need to replace him
with some person or a representative of some group we believe to be
unacceptable. WE might call him
the ‘Good Unionist’. It is then we
can hear what our Lord is saying.
There are no limits to love, not the rather confused modern notions of
love, but real love, love that is self-giving, self-sacrificing. The Samaritan responds to the need of
his neighbour though he is a member of an enemy people. The priest and the Levite, professional
religious men, caught up in religious and nationalist issues of purity choose
not to reach out to the other and are, paradoxically, breaking the very law
they would uphold.
Christ is our Good Samaritan.
We were, through our sins, enemies of God and yet He came into the world
to save us. St Augustine tells us:
“Robbers left you
half-dead on the road, but you have been found lying there by the passing and
kindly Samaritan. Wine and oil have been poured on you. You have received the
sacrament of the only-begotten Son. You have been lifted onto his mule. You
have believed that Christ became flesh. You have been brought to the inn, and
you are being cured in the Church.
That is where and why I am speaking. This is what I too, what all of us
are doing. We are performing the duties of the innkeeper. He was told, “If you
spend any more, I will pay you when I return.” If only we spent at least as
much as we have received! However much we spend, brothers and sisters, it is
the Lord’s money.”
He has brought us to the
Church as a place of healing. He has poured over us the purifying wine of His
Blood and washed our wounds in Baptism and anointed us with healing oil in
Confirmation. He has given
us into the care of the inn that is His Holy Church, a place of refuge for
those on the journey to Eternal Life.
In this holy inn our task is to be the Good Samaritan to others, to be
obedient as the innkeeper was and to care for those who are broken and in
need. Again as St Augustine tells
“He shows mercy to us because of His own goodness,
while we show mercy to one another because of God’s goodness. He has compassion
on us so that we may enjoy Him completely, while we have compassion on another
that we may completely enjoy Him.”
Even when we wander off
and are brought down by our sins it is Christ who finds us and with His grace
brings us to the Confessional where our wounds are bound and healed. What foolishness it is therefore for anyone
to avoid going to Confession or to neglect to confess all theirs sins. Let Christ our Good Samaritan heal you!
There is no private or partial living of the Faith. It must be public above all in our
actions. This does not mean that
we force our faith down other peoples’ throats but neither does it mean we let
them force their faith down ours.
Still less does it mean that we neglect to behave or to speak up in ways
that make our faith obvious to everyone. Our Lord is telling us that there are
to be no limits to love or to mercy.
If we find someone is in need then we ought to do what we can for him or
her regardless of whether he or she is our enemy and regardless of the
cost. This visible proclamation of
the Gospel is the most powerful witness of its truth and when we neglect it we
are in fact offering a counter-proclamation, a denial that could cost others
their salvation.
On the other hand in keeping Christ’s teaching, in extending to
others the love and mercy He has extended to us we truly become His disciples
and we will one day hear Him say to us “Come, you blessed of my Father, for I
was in need and you looked after me.
Enter into the joy of my Kingdom!”
Monday, July 4, 2016
Every business, every enterprise requires training, especially on
the job training. My training as a
school chaplain was all on the job.
There’s your class go in and teach them. Here the Lord is training His disciples, particularly the
non-Apostles and it’s on the job training, sending them out to proclaim the
Good News, to experience the highs and lows of ministry. They are learning to cast their cares
upon Him and how to trust in His power.
It is a long time since there were wolves in Donegal or anywhere else in
Ireland. Christ sends these
disciples to the wolves, that is to sinners, to those who are beasts of prey to
their neighbours that through the Good News they might become sheep and walk in
the way of peace. They go
empowered by Him who is peace itself, by the Lord of the harvest.
Here the Lord points out to us the importance of prayer and commands
that we call on God for an increase in the number of those working for the
harvest of souls. All that we do
in His name is done by His power, in fact nothing good can come about but by
His power. The Good News of peace
is not merely absence of conflict, still less an absence of effort and
labour. It is the peace that comes
from the reconciliation between God and man in Christ. From this follows His instruction that
they should greet no one. He
doesn’t mean they should be rude but that the Good News of this Peace with God
is more important than any social nicety.
What an honour to speak in His name! What a responsibility. He urges us that if we rejoice in
anything it is that our names are written in heaven. They are written first by Baptism and Confirmation but they
are affirmed whenever we proclaim His name and do His will above all in our
All of this is addressed to us, priests, friars, nuns and laity,
male and female. We are all
disciples of Christ, therefore we are all, in a sense, apostles and so sent to
others with the Good News. Each of
us according to our state of life, gender, age and intelligence is commissioned
by the Lord to proclaim the Good News of God’s peace. Therefore we are all called to make sacrifices, to lay aside
even some of the good things of this world in order to serve the Lord.
I have noticed over the years that lay people greatly exaggerate the
difficulties of the priesthood and religious life. Yes there can be loneliness especially for the priest of a
diocese. Life in a marriage that
has broken down is lonelier still with many added sorrows. The single life carries its fair share
of loneliness. As a priest or
friar one hands a lot of power over ones life to a superior or bishop. There are restrictions and there are
sacrifices. The same could easily
be said of marriage. But just as
marriage has its joys so do the priesthood and religious life. Again and again priests score the
highest in job satisfaction ratings.
The work is varied, and no two days are the same. I have baptised many
babies. The youngest was only
sixteen weeks in the womb. In the
Confessional I get to talk to people about some of their most painful, darkest
moments and hopefully direct them on the way to wholeness. Many times have I stood by a
couple as they said ‘I do’ to one another. No one else gets as close to that wonderful moment. Yes I have no wife, no children. I taught in a school for twelve years
and at times I thanked God I had no children, especially teenagers. Teenagers could make a saint of you. During my time there I had the
awful honour of burying four of them: Roisin, Stefan, Kayleigh and Nicole. Of all the simply natural roles we
can take on none is higher than that of being a parent, being a mother or a
father. The
Priest, who represents Christ who represents the Father, is called ‘Father’
because of his spiritual ‘fatherhood.’
For it is through his ministry that our Mother the Church brings us to
supernatural life in the Sacraments.
The priest stands at the heart of life. He gets to bring people into the Kingdom of God through
baptism, walk with them through life in his ministry, teaching and consoling
them, feeding them with Holy
Communion, cleansing them in Confession; uniting in Marriage, healing in
anointing, praying with and for them as they go to the Lord and then laying
their bodies to rest. I have
offered many Masses for my parents since their deaths. There aren’t too many of the dead that
can claim that. I believe with the
Church that the Lord will replace all I have sacrificed for Christ a hundred
times over – all I have to do is remain faithful to my vocation. The priesthood is part of all the
important parts of life and it leads to eternal life. It is a shame and a loss that so few will even consider it.
As a Capuchin friar I have the support of my brothers in the
Order. Yes we fight. As you may or may not know we had our
Provincial Assembly recently and there will be changes here in Ards. One of the men coming to Ards gave me
such stick about my transfer here that I roared out laughing when I saw he was
to come here. Then I thought of
his knees and felt sorry for him.
Of course when I saw they were leaving me here that wiped the smile off
my face. As brothers we each have
our own room, our own space and our own stuff (sometimes too much stuff) but we
eat together, pray together and often work together for the Lord. Why do so few want to work for Him
The Capuchins have been here since the 1930s but we have not had a
vocation from Donegal in over 40 years.
As I said last Sunday I am the only vocation from my home parish, that I
know of, since it was founded nearly 50 years ago. The Lord commands us to pray for vocations, for
labourers for the harvest, but is anyone actually praying? Is anyone listening to the Lord? Is
anyone encouraging or nurturing the call to serve Him?
My Parents had only one grandchild, my niece. My vocation to the Capuchins and to the
priesthood was a sacrifice for them more than for me. Why should they have to sacrifice so that the people of Cork
or Donegal can have Confession and Mass?
Why are so many today afraid of commitment even to the Sacrament of
Marriage? There is a want of faith
God’s providence and care.
All across the Western world there is a huge problem. It is behind many economic and social
programs and policies. There
are simply not enough babies. It
affects Ireland too though not as obviously as in other countries. Ask yourself why this is. Such a situation in a Catholic country
naturally affects vocations. There
are simply not enough children being born to sustain the country let alone the
priesthood. There are fewer young
men for the Lord to call to be priests and religious. That means fewer Masses and a greater difficulty in finding
a priest when you need one. If you
want to be able to attend Mass or get Confession here or in your local parish
in twenty, or fifteen or even ten years time, someone will have to make
sacrifices. Some young men will
have to answer the call and be supported in that call by their family and
The answer to our present difficulties is a return to the teaching
of Christ and His Church. The
answer means sacrifices and a huge act of faith in God’s power to care for us
and meet all our needs. It means
generosity and courage to face the wolves in our society, our community and in
our lives. It means encouraging
and nurturing those who express an interest in the priesthood and religious
life. Above all it means each of
us taking seriously our obligation to spread the Good News of Christ, firstly
by how we live but also by what we say.
If you wish to have your name written in heaven you need to stand up,
speak up and work for Christ.
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